Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy 60th Birthday Mom!

This Wednesday my mother dearest is turning 60 years old.  Now, I'm sure she doesn't appreciate me announcing this to the whole blogging world; however, this quiet, humble, selfless lady deserves one huge shout out during her birthday week.  So excuse me for a moment while I jump into bragging about one lovely lady.

Through out the years people have coined me as a 'daddy's little girl.' My athletic ability, my gentle demeanor, even my physical appearance all take after my dad.  Very rarely have people noted or have I referred to myself as being like my mother.  The truth is I have yet to 'take after' my mom, and its for the fact that her grace, love and strength are incredibly difficult to emulate.  My mom is the most selfless, compassionate, generous person I have ever known.  Now, you must be thinking of course a daughter would say that of her mother; however, if you were to ask any of my friends, family members, teammates or classmates, I honestly know they would agree.

I've heard many people say, "Ugh, I can't believe I'm turning into my mother."  I would be utterly honored to say that I've turned into my mother.  I can only hope and dream that someday I will attain the unconditional love, relentless support, and enduring strength of my mom.

Mother Teresa once said, "Love until it hurts and then love more."  Through great times and difficult times my mom did just this.  My brother and I both tested the limits our mom's love.  In truth, I don't know how or where she found the persisting love and patience she gave to us; all I know is that I would be humbled and honored to someday give a fraction of this love to my own children.

Happy 60th Birthday Mom, you truly are the best.


"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."
~Abraham Lincoln

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